Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 5, 2015
My Holy wrath will know no mercy!
- Message No. 867 -

Rise and arise, for only My Son will lead you to Me, but the other will snatch you away from your eternity in peace, and I will let it happen unless you confess My Son and repentantly beg forgiveness.
The time of mercy will find its end, and woe to him who has not found his way to My Son in time!
Lightnings of fire will strike you, for My chastisements will soon descend upon you. No one will be able to hide from Me, and My wrath will strike him, so convert while there is still time, for in thunderbolts and fiery embers you will perish. The earth will open up and scorch everything and take it with it, and there will be no place of refuge, therefore convert in time.
When earthquakes come, heavenly bodies collide, then you must be ready, for mercy will give way to justice, and judgment will be great. Fireballs will hit the earth, and My Holy wrath will know no mercy. Then peace will come and the New Jerusalem will descend upon your earth. Peace will be.
In this time of chastenings, Jesus will protect those who are faithful to HIM. NO seal child will be lost, so find Jesus in time, be faithful to HIM and wear My seal, which is holy. It is your salvation in the days of the end and will instantly lift you up when the time comes.
Your faithfulness to Jesus is important, My children, for whoever is faithful to Jesus will not perish.
Go now and report to My children what I have told you. You, My beloved daughter, were allowed to see parts of what I said. Be grateful for it, for it is not reserved for many children. Keep the pictures to yourself and do not give explanations.
My children must follow My instructions so that they do not get lost. Tell them that.
Everything is coming to an end. You must act, My children, or you will be lost. Act now so that the end does not come upon you unexpectedly! Have consecrated candles in the house, a supply of food and drinking water. You will be taken care of. Have faith and courage.
Pray for peace and that you will be preserved from communism. Your world is seething and on the verge of collapse, and this does not mean My chastisements.
Pray and confess Jesus, only then you have a chance.
When My chastenings come to earth, your world will be lost. It is the last purification of the earth you know. It will no longer exist as you know it. Jesus' faithful children have nothing to fear, but you must all strictly follow My instructions. Whoever resists will be lost, for he has broken his allegiance.
"Explain to the children that Father is talking about the last 3 days here. Thank you. Your Mother of God."
Don't look out the windows, don't open a door. Shut yourselves in your houses and cover all the windows. No curtains, for they are not opaque and are a great "temptation" to take a peek after all.
Stay in a room together and in prayer, in front of a consecrated candle. Kneel, "fall" on the floor in adoration and beg forgiveness for your sins and those of your loved ones. Those who do not "make it home" will be lifted up instantly. So do not be afraid, for a soul faithful to Jesus will not be lost.
Stay in prayer, My children. When all is over, you will find a New World. Amen.
You don't need to know anything else yet. Before these 3 days, you will receive a sign and know that they begin now. Believe and trust. I will not abandon any of My children.
"Here are meant Jesus' faithful children, tell the children. Your Mother of God."
When the thunder comes, it will be time.
Go now, My daughter, and tell the children what I, God Almighty, WHO AM, have told you. Amen.
Source: ➥